Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Three-toed Sloth

Doesn't this thing look like a nightmare? I think that if I ever came across something like this at night, I'd freak myself out thinking it was some sort of a deformed human being or something like that.

It's a three-toed sloth. I fell asleep on the couch tonight with the TV on while taking a short break from writing that proposal, and woke up with a start to see the face of one of those things staring out at me from the TV. Not fun.

But those things are cool. I didn't realize that one of these things is an entire ecosystem in and of itself. It's got specialized symbiotic algae that live in its fur (yes, in its fur). And these algae grow nowhere else. And of course, there're specialized insects that live in its fur and eat the algae.

Ugh. Sounds like a bad case of fleas. But isn't God's earth amazing?

Okay, back to work :-).


StephenC said...

I happen to think they are the ones who know how to live! Just take it eay. Do everything in slow motion. As long there is sufficient food around, there is no need to get excited over anything.

tabbycat said...

Heh. I had lunch with a colleague today and got into a discussion on who would be first among us to get a nervous breakdown. Guess who topped the list :-P