Friday, July 27, 2007

A Study in Excesses

There are no ports of call today because we're on this long trip from Istanbul to Dubronik, so I have been trying to make the most of being on this floating city. And it seriously is a floating city -- when we were in Istanbul, I looked back towards the port and the ship looked like this giant white mountain against the backdrop of the city. Made the buildings and other ships -- some of them big container ships -- look like children's toys.

I have come to believe that cruising is seriously a study in excesses. There's such an incredible amount of stuff that's going to waste, chiefly amongst them being food. I guess that when you have 4000 guests and over 1500 crew to feed, with two dinner sittings and only 2.5 hours between them, you can't afford to be conservative -- better to have and not need rather than need and not have. But the amount of food that must be getting thrown away is staggering.

Anyhow, there's not much to report today. Have been wandering the ship in search of entertainment. They have a nice gym on board and nice swimming pools. However, the pools (or rather, the decks around them) are completely packed with people trying to get a tan. Some people kind of park themselves on a deck chair and stay there all day. Incredible.


StephenC said...

I thought you are supposed to eat and exercise, then eat and exercise again, since there isn't much else to do.

What about Dubrovnik? I heard it is very pretty and historical. Did the war affected it much?

tabbycat said...

Dubrovnik is definitely pretty. Historical -- well, sort of, just like most smaller European cities that rely mostly on tourism for a living :-). But it's so touristy that there's really not much to blog about, so I don't have an entry for it (well, I'm also somewhat pressed for time today). Kind of my least favorite port at this point, I should think.

This is my last Internet access before I get back to HK. Missing everybody back home and see y'all soon!