Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Goodbye Angel...

Angel, the white Persian cat that has accompanied me since my college days, passed away this afternoon. I wasn't at home when it happened, but apparently it was a very peaceful process. He had been incontinent over the last couple of days, and he seemed to be having trouble seeing, but was still happy to eat any cat treats and canned food that he was given. My mother made him a little box that was lined with old towels and rags, so that he could have his own space and not have to share the cat kennel with my other cat. He went into the box this morning, sitting in the sun, and fell asleep, and slept all through the day. He came out briefly in the afternoon at feeding time to eat another can of cat food. Then he went back into the box, and went to sleep again... and by this evening he had passed away.

I guess this was the best that I could have asked for him. I got him as a kitten at a cat show, and shortly after I got him, he was diagnosed with a heart problem. I was told then that he would not live for more than 5 years or so, and he has been on daily heart medication since then. He beat all the expectations and proceeded to move through 3 states and 2 countries with me. When he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about a month back, the doctor told me that it was already a miracle that he had lived for so long. Every day by then was truly a gift.

He went in the way that I would have most wanted for him to go. I had been terrified that I would have to make the decision to end his suffering like so many of my other friends who are also pet owners. But apparently he was happy till the end, and even got to enjoy his favorite activity (I have never seen a cat who liked to eat so much that he would literally be bouncing up and down outside the French doors waiting for mealtime!) only hours before he passed away. I could not have wanted better for him.

Rest in peace, Angel. I will miss you.

White Persian
March 15, 1993 - April 16, 2008

1 comment:

StephenC said...

I am sure you treasure not (just) the cuteness of the cat, but (even more so) the companionship, the relationship.

Funny that another good friend of mine was talking about angels the other day. "Angel" was one of those that God sent for you.