Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fast(er) machines

I had a surprise this evening. I was backing up my Mac -- an operation which used to take 15+ minutes on my old Powerbook. The same operation has been taking less than 2-3 minutes on my new MacBook, and I had been assuming that it was because it's a new machine and there's less junk on it.

Until I clicked on the "In Progress" icon today and saw the INSANELY fast speed that stuff was getting copied over the backup drive. I think that it was transferring approximately 0.2G per second. Freaky.

The scary thing is that right now, I'm impressed. Give a few weeks, and it'll be normal. Give another year, and I'll be whining about how slow my machine is.

Just like my first 9600 baud modem, which I thought was heaven. Until the 14,400 baud. That lasted until...

1 comment:

StephenC said...

In some ways, technology is like a speeding and perhaps even accelerating train.

From another point of view, it tells us something about desire. We can be satisfied only for a moment. That feeling of being satisfied is a transient one. Soon we will be seeking more thrills. It is futile to to keep on chasing that feeling.