Tuesday, May 5, 2009

CSCWD 2009, Chile

After having been on one long trip earlier in the month, for SIGCHI in Boston, it was with a fair bit of apprehension that I left for Santiago, for CSCWD -- I was physically exhausted and mentally drained. And the thought of the 30 hour flight (15 hours to Toronto, 5 hours layover there, then another 11 hours to Santiago) was daunting.

Looking back, I am so glad I went, and I completely fell in love with the place and the people there. Second to Laos, I think I have to say that Chile has been my favorite country so far. The scenery is amazing, the people are friendly. Despite the stresses of having to be at conference, it was a good and much-needed rest for me.

Will be posting some more descriptions of the place over the next few days. My photo album has been uploaded onto Facebook but there are far too many pictures to caption, so I decided against trying to do that! But hopefully this blog will tell some of those stories.

The picture at the top was taken somewhere in Santiago, the capital. This picture below was taken en route to Argentina, somewhere in the Andes mountains.

1 comment:

StephenC said...

The Andes is something else. I don't want to live there. But the views are awesome.