Friday, April 6, 2007

Achievement... for what?

I read this article in the New York Times the other day titled For girls, it's be yourself, and be perfect, too, about a group of overachieving girls in the US. These girls were successful in everything -- in academics, in community service, in creativity -- literally everything. They got perfect scores in their SATs, and perfect GPAs.

And yet, a bunch of them did not make it into their first-choice colleges.

Reading this, I wonder what the world is going to be like for the next generation. Remembering my own portfolio when I went to college, I would seriously doubt if I could get into the same schools today, with the same achievements. I hear stories from friends with young children -- toddlers, even -- who are already going to after-school tutoring classes five, seven times a week. I see my friends and colleagues, who are already stressed out beyond belief from work. And then I see some of those people who are less successful and achieved, and are having difficulty making ends meet.

Is this what the coming world is going to be like? That if you aren't in first place, a superachiever, you can't survive? And if that's the case... many of my friends keep themselves going with a cocktail of vitamins and supplements. That's keeping them going now, but how much abuse can the body take before it collapses? And what does that mean for our children and their generation?

It's a sobering thought.


StephenC said...

I tend to think it depends on ourselves ultimately. What do we really want in life? Power? Money? Status? Admiration of peers?

What do we really treasure the most? Many people would say love, family, simple pleasures, etc. But some do not behave like they do.

nibbler said...

Tell me about it. I heard about this intern interviewing for a position in the bank. She has a perfect score GPA, runs an internet business on the side, and speaks Mandarin. She is an Texas born Indian. I am so glad I didnt graduate not in this generation.

How are things? meh...