Monday, July 14, 2008

Cool GPS maps

This will be a quick post because I'm almost falling asleep... having bought a new GPS some time ago, I decided that this last week when I was out of town on a service trip, would be a good time to try it. Here's my first attempts:

Part of the travel route that we took, from Huangshi, Hubei (our destination), back to Wuhan, by bus; then from Wuhan to Hong Kong by plane; and finally, by airport express and taxi part of the way to my home.

In case you are interested in how planes circle over Hong Kong before they land, here's a zoomed-up view of the part over HK...

Finally, here's a geotagged album of a walkabout around Huangshi. I still haven't managed to find a way to superimpose the track of our stroll onto the map, but at least the pictures are there...

Will be back with more details later, when I have a chance to recover...

1 comment:

StephenC said...

Fantastic. I have only dreamed of something like this, but you have done it.

The route from Wuhan to HK confirmed my estimations. Thank you.

Hurry to the eCat.