Monday, September 17, 2007

Are we too conservative?

This BBC article caught my eye. It talks about a school on a quiet little island off the coast of Scotland which decided to go all-digital. ICT (Internet and Computer Technology) was introduced into the curriculum at all levels and all subjects, and UMPCs and laptops were issued to all students and teachers.

This is a little like a project that we have been involved in here in Hong Kong, with one of the local schools. The school board and funders were very supportive, but the teachers and principals were much more conservative. And I regret to say that our team, when asked for our opinions, also tended to be more conservative, recommending a very gradual digitalization rather than the full-blown approach that has been taken in Scotland.

Now, reading these articles, I wonder: are we being too conservative and cautious? I know that we have to be good stewards of our resources and not be wasteful, but sometimes, I do wonder whether this "look-for-blame" and "accountable" culture in Hong Kong has changed us all into fraidy-cats, contented with incremental, baby steps, and afraid to dream big and think about the impossible?

It's a sobering thought.

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