Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lots and lots and lots of trees

I'm writing this from onboard a ship, cruising in Alaska. It's the second time that I have been on this cruise -- the last time was well over 15 years ago -- and it'll be interesting to see how the landscape has changed. I heard that the glaciers have retreated quite a bit since the last time I was here.

We flew into Vancouver two days ago and spent yesterday cruising the Inside Passage. Last time when I was here, we managed to catch a pod of killer whales as they hung about the side of the ship for a while, so it was a disappointment to not see any whales this time. The scenery was stunning, though -- miles and miles of evergreen trees lining both sides of the channel.

Today, we're landing at the port of Ketchikan and we're going to try and see some bears. Will try to post pictures of some bears upon my return -- that is, if we're lucky :-).

1 comment:

StephenC said...

Our gang did consider going on an Alaskan cruise as well, but some considered it too expensive :(

Yeah, show us some trees, and bears.

We went to Yosemite and there were supposed to be some bears. Didn't see them though.

I did see a pair of hares on a military base. And lots of pelicans on the beaches. :)
