Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Chimney-Climbing Robot

Okay, so I have an obsession with robots. Check out this new Chimney-climbing robot that I found on the NXTblog. If only I had the time, I would actually go and try to build one.

Speaking of time, I really suspect that one of the reasons why my back is acting up so badly these days is because of the unearthly amount of time that I have been sitting on the couch, writing up that workbook. Went for a massage last night but that darned muscle doesn't seem to want to let up. Owwwww..

Anyhow, enough of my troubles. Here's the robot:


nibbler said...

awww, hope you feel better Cat. Stretch more, yeeeoooowww....

I had a bad back too last month, and strangely enough playing tennis (even though i suck at it) miraculously took it away. Must be all that stretching and bending to pick up stray balls. hahaha...

tabbycat said...

I was thinking that I should go and start running again. But I am feeling so lazy these days that getting off my couch is a challenge :-).

How are you? Did you get that cat yet?